Hello there. This blog belongs to Taonan 5K 2009. We are a bunch of highly enthusiastic maniacs that rock your socks off,
and you better wear them back because we don't want to smell your feet. We are nice and friendly,
and obviously don't bite. We are a BiCEP class that consists of Blue & Yellow Groupers.
Enjoy your stay here, and tag before you leave.
Wednesday, February 25, 2009, 7:28 PM
Helloooo Thx to WeeZheng for posting the web URL on the forum :D. Now I think most of the 5K-ers knw of this blog le. Uhh, for those 5K-ers who alr knw of this blog pls tag yeahs? & help to tell the othrs abt our 5K Class Blog (:. Btw, if you want, you can ask me for the username & password for 5K Class Blog:D Crystal
Tuesday, February 24, 2009, 4:52 PM
Hello:D TAG IFYour CCA is wrong or you have another CCA You have a blog and its not linked (5K-ers only) You want to be linked (All TaoNanites, uh, teachers also can:D) Crystal(:
Friday, February 20, 2009, 8:53 PM
heyppl, just blogging for the fun of it(: Crystal
We are,
Adam; Basketball
Andrew; NewsInc.
Wee Zheng; WuShu
Chua Hou; Science Club
Daniel; Science Club
JiaHai; Athletics, Badminton, AMEC
Grace; Brownies, AMEC, Junior Prefect
Zi Ding; Chinese Orchestra, Prefect, AMEC
Jun Yi; International Chess, Prefect
Hock Lam; Basketball
Charyl; Wushu, Prefect
Jolyne; Library
Song Thye; Basketball
Qian Hui; Wushu, Prefect
Kai Rui; Swimming
Rachel; Brownies
Sophia; International Chess
Jing Ngah (Crystal); Infocomm Club, A.V. Crew, Prefect
Clarice, Art Club; Junior Prefect
Yue Wey; Science Club
Wei Ren; Badminton
Sherilyn; Science Club, Junior Prefect
Vanessa; Junior Prefect
The teachers that are brave enough to teach us are,
Form&CME&HCL - 姜老师 Mr Keong Wen Han
BiCEP - 滃老师 Mr Ang Thiam Poh
P.E. - Mdm Hwee Yuen Ping
Music - 张老师 Ms Praise Teo
Art - Mdm Goh Sheu Beng
English - Mrs Prakash
Maths - Ms Jessica Goh
Science&SS - Mr Winston Chan
English - Ms Ng Den Mui
Maths - Mr Matthew Ngiam
Science - Mrs Fiona Soh
SS - Mrs Gurung